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阿里真的很享受与戏剧有关的各个方面的挑战. Watching her tackle Shakespeare, Ionesco, 各种各样的作家和角色,培养一定程度的自信和成熟是不可思议的. 她的学术成长同样令人印象深刻,我们相信她的戏剧经历绝对支持了她的智力和学术发展.”
— Emily, Theatre Parent

大发彩票平台登录的戏剧系包括戏剧和表演研究的沉浸式培训. 除了在表演工作室的常规和密集的工作, 戏剧专业的学生将探索以下四个课程标题: Acting, Performance Techniques, Theatre Studies, and Production & Technical Theatre.

这些标题下的项目和单元可能包括Stagecraft, Directing, Auditioning and Professional Business, Dialects, Stage Combat, Improvisation, Acting for the Camera, Playwriting, Circus and others. 这种模式在每个阶段都与当代和古典文本相结合.


Acting Studio is at the core of our work in the Theatre Department. Training in the Academy Theatre Department uses our unique Academy Actor Training Approach (see below).

工作室课程通常分为三个部分:入门,中级和高级. Students who enter the program as freshmen can, in general, 期望在表演课程中循序渐进. 戏剧教师将与学生就他们的进步保持一致的沟通.

Productions and performance opportunities 在戏剧系展示了我们的学生接受的顶级表演和表演培训. A typical production schedule includes a Fall Play, a Spring Play, 与音乐剧系联合举办的莎士比亚戏剧节, 以及其他一些基于本学期课程的表演机会. 这些机会可能包括一到两次导演作品展, a Circus Project Culmination, a reading of Playwriting finals, and others. 我们也鼓励我们的部门成员在媒体艺术系试镜学生电影.

Recent mainstage plays have included The Three Musketeers by Catherine Bush, The Skin of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder, Little Wars by Steven Carl McCasland, Men on Boats by Jaclyn Backhaus, Everybody by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Simon Stephens, The Wolves by Sarah DeLappe, The Aliens by Annie Baker, columbinus by PJ Paparelli and Stephen Karam, Sense and Sensibility adapted by Kate Hamill, and She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen.

Guest artists 将与我们的学生一起进行沉浸式项目体验和较短的研讨会. 而我们系的教员是由来自芝加哥戏剧社区的专业人士组成的, 学院积极寻找其他艺术家与我们的学生交流. 最近和即将到来的讲师和讲师包括佩吉·罗德, Leah Urzendowski, Anthony Courser, Adrian Danzig, Kevin Mimms, Sylvia Hernandez-DeStasi, Darian Tene, Elizabeth Laidlaw, Kevin Beverley, Alex Aguilar, Jose Ramos, Leah Orleans, Orion Couling, Sara Gammage and others.

Play attendance 在我们充满活力的芝加哥戏剧场景是我们课程的另一个高度组成部分. 我们在学年期间参加了几场专业演出. 这些作品都是经过精心挑选的,与我们的课程和意志相结合, as often as possible, include plays that we are reading in the Theatre Curriculum. In addition to attending the productions, 在可能的情况下,我们将为学生提供与制作人员和演员互动的机会.

戏剧系的毕业生参加全国顶尖音乐学院的课程, universities, and professional schools. Alumni may be seen on and off Broadway, in regional theatre productions, on television, and in major motion pictures.

Theatre Department FAQ’s

The Skin of Our Teeth, 2022

In the Theatre Department, 我们训练学生思考戏剧制作学科的整体以及其中广阔的机会范围. 从我们的课程毕业的学生可能想从事表演, directing, playwriting, devising, improv, stagecraft, production, stage management, or all of the above.

In the Musical Theatre Department, 毕业生通过严格的歌唱训练,获得成为音乐剧类型表演者的必要工具, acting, and dancing.

What do graduates from the Theatre Department go on to do?
Lots of things. 我们的许多学生进入了专门从事演员培训的学校,而其他人则进入了拥有强大戏剧课程的文理学院. 在我们强大的学术课程的支持下,学生也将在大学里攻读非艺术专业. 偶尔,学生们会从高中毕业后直接进入表演和戏剧行业.

How many hours a week do I attend my theatre classes?
In a typical week, 你可以期望在你的部门学习至少15个小时,最多25个小时,而在排练我们的一个作品.

我们的专业戏剧教师都有多年的广泛培训和专业工作. Check out their bios here to find out more about them.

How do you handle casting for your department productions?
Each play produced in the department (fall mainstage, spring mainstage, 和莎士比亚节)的选择是考虑到目前的演员阵容. By the time our students are seniors, 我们的教师非常熟悉他们独特的技能和才能. 我们的节目选择和选角会考虑到每年的具体阵容.


More about the Theatre Department


在学院戏剧系的学生任期内,其他长达一学期的课程和研讨会包括 Script Analysis, Stage Management, Voice & Movement, Makeup for Stage and Screen, Costume Concepts, Circus, Combat for Stage and Screen and Playwriting.

学院戏剧系定期邀请演讲嘉宾和常驻教学艺术家,将学生与更广阔的行业景观联系起来. 最近和即将到来的讲师和讲师包括佩吉·罗德, Leah Urzendowski, Anthony Courser, Adrian Danzig, Sylvia Hernandez-DeStasi, Kevin Beverley, Alex Aguilar, Orion Couling, Sara Gammage, and others.
